AI Tool

Generate engaging emojis in seconds

From casual chats to professional posts, let AI infuse the right emojis into your text, creating content that stands out.
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As seen in the press

Emojis speak louder than words

Boosting engagement by up to 48%, emojis make your content more readable, relatable and fun.

Express more with AI-enhanced emojis

Elevate your text with the perfect emojis. Our AI analyzes your content and suggests emojis that capture the essence and emotion of your message.
Start writing free
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 35+ languages supported

How to add engaging emojis to your content:


Open your content inside the document editor


Select the parts of your content that you want the AI to add emojis to


Click on the "Emojis" button available in the upper toolbar


Cycle through different versions of generated outputs and choose the most appealing one


Use the editor to rewrite certain pieces, expand on others, and so much more


Tips for high-performing

content with emojis

Selective use: Apply the tool to specific parts of your text where emojis can enhance the message. Overuse of emojis in certain contexts, like formal communication, might not be appropriate.

Striking a balance: While emojis add flair to your text, maintaining a balance is key. Ensure your message remains clear and the emojis complement rather than overwhelm the text.

Boost engagement: Utilize emojis in social media posts, marketing emails, or informal communications where engagement and relatability are crucial.

Plus, everything else you need to become an email marketing pro

50+ email templates
Launch your product, onboard customers, send newsletters and more
Works on desktop and mobile
Take your work with you wherever you go, with our responsive web app
Editor mode
Format headings, paragraphs, lists, tweak copy and more
35+ languages supported
Reach your customers in French, Spanish, Mandarin and more.
Teams support
Invite your team and external stakeholders to collaborate on copy.
Spam checker
Filter out your email's spam keywords to ensure their deliverability
Folder/project management
Organize copy into folders so you can quickly find the ones you need.
Community access
Join our community of marketers to share ideas and get feedback.
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