AI Tool

Resize your images perfectly for email

Use AI to enhance, resize, or edit your images so they stand out and work perfectly in your emails.
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As seen in the press

Good Images = More Conversions

A good image can convey an idea 10x faster than words. And when used right, images can help you tell your story, show product benefits, break monotony, and increase conversion rates.

Seamlessly edit your images with AI for every image scenario

Tap into AI to make your photos pop. Find the right crop, color, or clean-up with easy-to-use tools. Our editor helps turn what you imagine into real, eye-catching images.
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🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 35+ languages supported

How to edit your images with the power of AI:


Navigate to the “AI Images” section of Hoppy Copy


Hover over the image you want to edit and click on “edit”




Use the editor to rewrite certain pieces, expand on others, and so much more


Tips for high-performing

incredible emails

Use Redact for privacy: Protect privacy and maintain professionalism by using the Redact feature to blur out personal information or background distractions in your images.

Use Inpaint for restoration: Use the Inpaint tool to fill in missing parts of an image, such as when restoring old photos or when you want to visualize an extension of the scene.

Fine-tune after major edits: After using the major AI tools, don't forget to fine-tune. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation to give your image a finished look.

Plus, everything else you need to become an email marketing pro

50+ email templates
Launch your product, onboard customers, send newsletters and more
Works on desktop and mobile
Take your work with you wherever you go, with our responsive web app
Editor mode
Format headings, paragraphs, lists, tweak copy and more
35+ languages supported
Reach your customers in French, Spanish, Mandarin and more.
Teams support
Invite your team and external stakeholders to collaborate on copy.
Spam checker
Filter out your email's spam keywords to ensure their deliverability
Folder/project management
Organize copy into folders so you can quickly find the ones you need.
Community access
Join our community of marketers to share ideas and get feedback.
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Imagine if your newsletter could write itself?

Try the Newsletter Creator to generate fresh ideas, copy, and imagery with a click

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